Sunday, March 15, 2009

Shoeproject Turns Into Pawproject?

The rumour has spread to the animal kingdom and this picture was sent to me from a friend of the Crow, called the Fox. I replied with the following diagnosis:

Well you do have a few similarities with your friend the Crow. ( In Sweden we have a saying that goes something like this: "Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are")

So I guess it is not a coincidence that you two are friends:-)

However, there are some features that are specific to you that I will point out:

The fact that your paws are both soft and hard at the same time is telling me that you have two quite opposite sides within your personality. This could imply that some people see you as being a little bit unpredictable. (Unlike your friend who is quite the opposite in this case)

However, even if your way of being can change rapidly, from soft to hard, happy to angry, you are always true to your feelings. You would never try to hide anything or pretend to be somebody else. I think it is this that you have in common with your friend the crow and that makes you two appreciate one another.

When it comes to your future and where you are going, I will give you an advice:

Acknowledge the fact that you have two faces and see it as an asset. If you at some point would be tempted, or maybe even pressured by your surroundings to deny one of your two sides, this could be devastating to both you and the ones around you.
But if your two sides are given equal space and attention, you will live a life in harmony and happiness. Don´t forget that we are all different and that this is how you are! You can pull in your claws for a few seconds but you could never walk without them...

I wish you all the best for the future!

The Shoe(and sometimes paw)witch

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